Friday, November 18, 2005

Manhattan Love

As we drove back from a work function on Long Island, Manattan loomed in the distance--a glittering emerald city. It was the first time since moving to to New York that I got to see it in that way, and it was beautiful.

I experienced a surge of emotions so strong I almost hugged myself.

The car was quiet except for 1010 WINS on the radio, and I glanced at the faces of my coworkers, all seasoned New Yorkers. They were looking straight ahead, and I wondered if they still felt the a thrill upon seeing their city like this, even after so many years.

Without looking away from the skyline, one of my coworkers asked me, "Is this your first time living in Manhattan?"

"Yes." I said.

"Do you love it?" he asked.

I do.


Blogger Spicy Law Girl said...

I know the feeling :) I'm a new NYer, and even though I don't live in the city...there's just nowhere else like it.

2:18 PM  

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